I have organised a number of interactive animation and illustration events and workshops, for Light Night Leeds, Leeds Young People’s Film Festival and Thought Bubble. The events involve collecting drawings from the public and creating large scale, crowd sourced animations, illustrations and comics. Below, are a selection videos documenting these events.
Big Draw Interview - Radio Leeds
BBC Radio Leeds Interview 9th October 2010
Light Night Films
A series of films documenting events at Leeds’ Annual Light Night event. I have used FriiSpray, in a number of my projects. FriiSpray is a guerilla infra-red graffiti installation developed by the Jam Jar Collective. It uses a custom infra-red spray can, a projector, a Nintendo WiiMote, a computer and open source software. The installation is a back projection on a screen or large pane of glass such as a shop front or large window and allows the user to digitally graffiti using the custom made spray can.