Leeds United Holbeck Underpass Illustration
Vector illustration for urban underpass.

Leeds Inspired White Rabbits Illustration

InspirEd Awesome Emojis Decals
Colourful stop motion decals.

Where's Zoë?
Illustrated Children's Book
Leeds Vacant Units Illustrations
A series of site specific public illustrations

Super Secret Treasure Hunt Artwork
Illustrated Invite for Treasure Hunt

Dream Tröll Album Cover
Artwork for UK Power Metal band Dream Tröll's debut album 'The Knight of Rebellion', released in May 2017. https://www.facebook.com/dreamtroll/

Inspired Character Design and Animated Sting
Character designs and animated sting.

Hexjibber's Insomni-Year
Auto-biographical graphic novel - work in progress,

Tetro Tower Game Branding
Branding for Tetro Tower game.

Oomlout Badge designs for Maker Faire UK
Mix and match laser cut badges for UK Maker Faire 2015.

Oomlout Robox
Illustration for transforming box.

Christmas Calendar image for Nogginbox
Windows 8 Christmas Calendar app illustrations.

Oomlout Sticker
Commissioned illustration for a sticker.

Portrait Magnets
Magnetised portrait, with swappable clothes.

Oomlout Postcard
A character design for a postcard for oomlout.co.uk

Ethos Character Illustrations
The Ethos Project disabled animal character designs.

The Hexjibber Anti-Revision Book
Self published illustrated activity book.

Hexjibber Colouring and Activity Book
Self published activity book.

Noggin Box website branding
Noggin Box website branding

Life Drawings
Life drawings I have done recently.

Hexjibber's Hobbies
Illustrated diary about my life.

Under the Fridge Characters
Character designs for a kids tv pitch.

Free All Monsters Illustrations
Illustrations for location based game.

Five Trees Forest Illustrations
Commissioned illustrations for mobile game.

Pixel Art Allotment
Pixel art illustration.

Daily Thing
Illustrated diary from 2004 - 2006